“Childs looks at moral issues from a variety of angles. He doubts others as he doubts himself, a beautiful inverse of the golden rule.” —The Los Angeles Times
Craig Childs lives and observes life at its most extreme, so we don’t have to. He is a renowned author of more than a dozen critically acclaimed books, including, Apocalyptic Planet, which won the Orion Book Award and the Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Men’s Journal, and Outside.
The New York Times proclaims, “Childs’s feats of asceticism are nothing if not awe inspiring: he’s a modern-day desert father.” The LA Times says his writing is like pure oxygen, and “stings like a slap in the face.” In addition to the Orion Book Award and two Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Awards, he has won the Ellen Meloy Desert Writers Award and the Rowell Art of Adventure Award. His most recent book, Atlas of a Lost World: Travels in Ice Age America, examines the dynamics of people moving into an uninhabited hemisphere in the late Pleistocene, documenting arrivals from Alaska to Florida to southern Chile.
Childs writes about the relationship between humans, animals, landscape, and time. His stories come from visceral, personal experience, whether in the company of illicit artifact dealers or in deep wilderness. A commentator for NPR’s Morning Edition, Childs is camping tonight in the harshest of conditions so he can report his findings back to us while we enjoy our coffee. Lauded as an adventurer and desert ecologist, he lives off the grid in Colorado.

Trinity Says
"Craig’s writing comes from lived experience. As you’re reading this he’s sleeping under the stars or floating down a river somewhere. He’s the real deal!"
Craig Childs
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